
Blends textures together based on a mix factor and blending type.


texture1 Texture: The first texture to be blended. Default: undefined
texture2 Texture: The second texture to be blended. Default: undefined
mixFactor Float: How much weight to give each picture in the blending. A value of 0.0 only outputs texture1, 1.0 only outputs texture2. Default: 0.5
blendingMode Int: Which blending mode to use. Below is a table of the values and their respective blend modes. Default: 1.0

blendingMode Blend Mode
1 Additive Blending
2 Subtract Blending
3 Multiplicative Blending
4 Screen Blending
5 Overlay Blending
6 Darken Blending
7 Lighten Blending
8 Difference Blending
9 Exclusion Blending
10 Behind Blending
11 Dissolve Blending
12 Hue Blending
13 Normal Blending
Default Linear Interpolation


import fip.*;

PShader blend;

PImage ireland;
PImage bird;

void setup() {
  size(1000, 1000, P3D);

  blend = loadShader(FIP.blend);

  ireland = loadImage("ireland.jpg");
  bird = loadImage("bird.jpg");

  blend.set("texture1", ireland); // Blend requires these 2 textures to be passed into it. 
  blend.set("texture2", bird);
  blend.set("mixFactor", 0.5); // Equally blend the images
  blend.set("blendingMode", 0); // Use linear interpolation blending

void draw() {
Images to be blended
Blended image