
FIP (Fast Image Processing)

Real-time image processing library for Processing.

What is it?

FIP is a library that allows you to add image-processing / post-processing effects to your Processing sketch.

Left and right arrow keys cycle filters, up and down arrow keys cycle images1.


  • 44 Effects
  • Hardware Accelerated
  • Documented

Getting Started

  • FIP can be installed through the Processing Contribution Manager, for instructions on installation, head here.

  • Once you have installed FIP, head over to usage.

  • The reference for each shader can be found in the sidebar of this website.


Example sketches are included in the FIP folder.

Processing Library Guidelines

In accordance with the Processing library guidelines:

  1. FIP has been tested on Windows 10 and Linux (Raspberry Pi OS) using Processing 4.3.
  2. FIP has no dependencies.
  3. Examples are included in the release.
  4. Source Code.
  5. Keywords: image-processing, post-processing, filters.
  6. Last update: 25/03/24.
  7. FIP zip file.


I welcome contributions from the community to make FIP better. If you have any suggestions, bug fixes, or new features to add, feel free to create a pull request.


Many of these shaders were adapted from existing solutions in other programming languages, in these cases, the links to the original shaders can be found at the top of each .glsl file.

A list of existing Processing image processing libraries can be found here.

  1. This embedded sketch is using the p5.js version of FIP for the purpose of demonstration within a web browser.